Welcome to Lenovo Smart Workplace, the immersive Smart Campus mobile app experience for Lenovo Employees! Explore the app for a rich user experience including the following functionality:• Universal Search lets you find everything from people, to directions to campus locations, to campus information, quickly and conveniently• Keep up-to-date with the latest corporate news for Lenovo Employees• The Directory lets you search for and view profiles of other Lenovo employees• Live Map powered by Aruba Meridian with Advanced search and filtering options and directions to guide you to your destination• Pilot users can book a desk for the day using convenient built-in tools with a visual map to let you choose the location you’d like to sit• Get alerts before your meeting starts and simply tap the notification to be guided to the meeting room using Aruba Meridian Location Services• Get notifications, take surveys, and participate in interactive polls• All of this and more!